Mapped in Bangladesh (MiB) is an open-source platform that optimizes sourcing strategy, supports evidence-based decision-making, and facilitates risk mitigation.
A participatory and collective action approach aligned with SMART Bangladesh.
MiB is a tool to help establish a strong marketing and branding of the Bangladesh RMG industry through increased accessibility of information.
MiB is driven by the fundamental belied that transparency and traceability lead to long-term industry advancements and improved working conditions.
MiB is guided by a multi-stakeholder Project Advisory Committee (PAC), including representatives from brands, GO/NGOs, industry associations, right-based and research organizations, among other sector experts.
MiB is a commitment to all stakeholders that a transformative change is happening in the ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh.
MiB leverages its crowdsourcing approach to regularly update selected data points, providing real-time information and insights.
Let's crack some NUMBERS
A nation-wide RMG factory census was conducted in all 64 districts of Bangladesh. Only 4 districts contain the majority of RMG factories.
Other RMG factories are spread in16 RMG-producing districts all over the country (as of June 2024).
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Office Address
Mapped in Bangladesh (MiB)
CED-BRAC University
Kha 224, Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue
Merul Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh